Dear friends and family,
I am just writing you a note to let you know how Brody is doing. Everyday he just simply amazes me. He has grown out of all his clothes. Finally he has caught up to his age at age 8. He prefers comfortable clothing and is not at all interested in jeans. I have had to go out and get him some new clothes in size 8. He is wearing Ian's hand me downs except we don't have very many comfortable pants. Crazy enough, Ian wants to wear Brody's clothes now. He thinks they are more comfortable.
Ian has decided to become a child actor and movie star. If anyone knows how to make that happen with an an adorably funny SMALL Guatemalan boy please let me know. I hope the perfect part would come available and we would get called for it.
Atlee wants to be a famous chef so she can take care of us when we get old. Sweet..... I really think she is serious though.
Brody still loves Toy Story and surfing the Internet. He loves a bonfire so we went to the camper at the lake and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and enjoyed the fire. He sat outside and watched the fire while peering inside to see the movie.
In the picture you see Ian and Atlee clowning around and a rare glimpse of Brody in his own world. He loves water and he found himself just taking in the surroundings. Toward the end of summer, he would get up and walk out in the deep much to my panic. He is fearless in the river. We keep a life jacket on him at all times except when we thought we were wading.
We are making sweet memories.....
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